Green Rebel

Emily O'Callaghan: The Original Green Rebel

Episode Summary

On this special Valentine’s Day episode, one host interviews the other. Emily O’Callaghan is the original green rebel. A scallywag, a hustler and an artist Emily has been searching for that which makes her heart skip since age 12.

Episode Notes

On this special Valentine’s Day episode, one host interviews the other. Emily O’Callaghan is the original green rebel. A scallywag, a hustler and an artist Emily has been searching for that which makes her heart skip since age 12.

The wonder and curiosity have seen her dabble in things as varied as photography, acting, cobbling, massage, standup comedy, startups, cinemas and security at gigs. She once even promoted butter in the pouring rain dressed in a Santa costume. And she is only just beginning.

What may seem like a meandering path is simply the natural way for Emily to follow her interests rather than just long after them. She isn’t afraid to give any of it a try even if that means failure. It’s the only way she knows to be.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Presented by Emily O'Callaghan and Irina Dzhambazova.
Produced by Irina Dzhambazova.
Music by Le Boom